Most Perfect Chocolate Cake

Ingredients for cake:

1-cup Cocoa

2-cups water, boiling

2¾-cups flour

2-teaspoons baking soda

½-teaspoon salt

½-teaspoon baking powder

1-cup butter, softened

2½-cups sugar

4-large eggs

1½-teaspoons vanilla

Ingredients for cake filling:

1-cup heavy cream

¼-cup powdered sugar

1-teaspoon vanilla


In medium bowl combine cocoa with boiling water; mix with wire whisk till smooth and cool completely. In a separate bowl mix flour, soda, salt and baking powder; preheat oven to 350°. Grease well and lightly flour 3 (9x1½-inch) layer cake pans. In large bowl of electric mixer at high speed beat butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla, scraping bowl occasionally, until light, about 5 minutes. At low speed beat in flour mixture and cocoa mixture. Divide evenly into pans; smooth top. Bake 25 to 30 minutes until top springs back when pressed with finger. Cool in pans 10 minutes. Carefully loosen sides with spatula and remove cakes to cool on racks.

Filling: Whip cream with sugar and vanilla; refrigerate. To assemble cake, on plate place a layer, spread with half of cream, then second layer and spread with rest of cream. Add 3rd layer then frost. (See frosting on next page)

Serves 8


By: Cristie Will


6-ounces Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips

½-cup Light cream

1-cup Butter

2½-cups Sugar, powdered


In medium saucepan, combine chocolate chips, cream, butter; stir over medium heat until smooth and remove from heat. With whisk blend in 2½ cups of powdered sugar over ice; beat until it holds shape.

This is a lot of work, but worth it.

Makes between 3½ to 4 cups of icing

Cooking lessons for Cristie began at 8 years old with the best teacher in the world -- her Mom! Later, she cooked for the restaurant the family owned, and her love of the "trade" has grown ever since. Cristie's creative cooking has continued for over 40 years. Her creations can soon be on your kitchen table. Check out Cristie's books at and

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Gluten Free Recipes Make the Cut

Gluten free recipes are taking the world by storm. They're lining the pages of cookbooks and health magazines, featured in newspaper articles, printed on flyers, scribbled on scrap paper, and posted on blogs. The irony is, even though we're surrounded by gluten free ideas we still struggle to decide what's for dinner!

Why is this?

What actually motivates you to take the next step from saving a recipe to actually giving it a try?

Being a wholefood chef and gluten free cookbook author, I often ponder this question. Part of my job is to present food ideas that stand out from the crowd; to develop dishes that grab your fancy enough to warrant a grocery excursion and a few hours with your stove. Many of the recipes floating about end up buried and forgotten under a stack of bills or tossed in the bin. They may be appealing on some level, but don't ultimately have what it takes to be transformed from an idea into an edible reality. Over time I've discovered that recipes which make the cut do so because of clever marketing and a good understanding of human behaviour.

Many things lure us toward a recipe. For example, glossy photos of decadent, gluten free cakes are generally quite tempting, and any dish involving chocolate is sure to draw people in like a magnet. That said, the word 'healthy' has become more alluring as obesity and other medical concerns multiply. Recipes labelled 'low-fat', 'healthy' or 'light' often get a second look at the very least. Gluten free versions of old classics also grab our attention; comfort foods reminiscent of days when all it took was a steaming bowl of Grandma's famous casserole to make everything right in the world. Personal recommendations and word of mouth are other powerful motivators for recipe testing -- I'm much more likely to try a dish my best friend raved about than one I tore out of the newspaper on a whim. But above all these influences on gluten free recipe selection, the strongest I've found is the FREE SAMPLE. If you've tasted something -- say a melt-in-your-mouth slice of gluten free cake or a tasty vibrant dip -- chances are you'll be craving more. In this situation, you're almost guaranteed THAT recipe will be carefully placed in the kitchen for imminent use.

Now it's all good and well for food to look enticing, and even for it to taste incredible. But there's more to a successful dish than meets the eye. Many other factors influence the success of a recipe, such as: innovation (is it fun and interesting?), satisfaction (will it satisfy and sustain you?), budget (is it affordable?); health (will it enhance or deplete your vitality?); co-eater feedback (will it make the kids happy?) and so on.

Most of us started eating gluten free because we care about our well-being. Whether the reason is a diagnosis of celiac disease, a gluten intolerance, or some other concern about excessive gluten intake -- the bottom line is, you're looking after your health in one way or another. Therefore it makes sense to be more particular about the recipes you try; more discerning about what you feed yourself and your loved ones. To ensure your gluten free recipe choices are wholesome and your cooking experiences pleasurable, try following these helpful tips:

1. I know it's stating the obvious, but... don't cook with any ingredients that contain gluten!

2. Something about the recipe should call to you. It might awaken fond memories of a favourite childhood meal or involve an ingredient that's growing in your back garden. When you see the glossy food photo it may spark a vision of your kids squeeling with delight as they tuck in. Bottom line is, you should feel inspired or motivated on some level.

3. The provisions called for must be of high quality. Recipes full of sugar, trans-fats, processed ingredients (like pre-made, additive-filled sauces) and fake foods (flavourings, colourings, preservatives) should set off a warning signal. You wouldn't put rubbish in your car's fuel tank, so why would you put it in your own body? Look for ingredients that are fresh, seasonal, natural and full of vitality.

4. The ingredients are easily obtainable. This does not mean you shouldn't expand your horizons and stop in the gourmet grocer for an item or two.... but doing so should not be stressful or impractical. If that's the case, this recipe will probably be one that ends up in the bin!

5. It's within your budget. A dish won't ever see the light of day if the ingredients are out of reach.

6. The dish is practical:

a) You have (or can easily obtain) the necessary equipment.

b) You have (or can make) enough time. Anything of decent quality requires at least a little planning and time. Sometimes it's just a matter of having stronger self-discipline to see something through that in the end is very rewarding.

c) You already understand (or can easily learn) the method used in the recipe. Try not to choose a complex dish unless you have the time and desire to complete it.

d) You have (or can easily obtain) the necessary ingredients (ditto #4).

7. The more flexible the recipe, the better. Fussy, gourmet concoctions have their place. But if your recipe choices allow you to swap vegetables with the seasons, or exchange nuts for seeds to suit a nut allergy, you're on track for a winner.

Taking the initiative to prepare your own gluten free food deserves accolades, especially when there are so many easy, instant fixes at our fingertips. Home-cooked meals are food for the soul and the first step toward nourishing eating habits. But choosing which recipes to prepare can be a daunting task, especially when we're saturated by so many attractive options. Setting a few standards to ensure you're giving your body what it needs, keeping your taste buds happy and making practical choices can make a huge impact. Not only will you enjoy the cooking process more, you'll reap the rewards of enhanced well-being. There may be a few recipe casualties along the way, but more often than not the dishes displayed on your fridge will be success stories.

Copyright 2010 - Stephanie Willaton

Stephanie Willaton is a wholefood chef and author of gluten free cookbooks: 'Nourish- Creating delicious food from wholesome ingredients' and 'Nourishing Sweet Indulgences'. Based in Melbourne, Australia, she supports and inspires anyone who wants to experience satisfaction and nourishment from real food.

Stephanie's cooking highlights the beauty, benefits and accessibility of quality ingredients. Her food is designed to stimulate the senses in every way, while ensuring one's dietary needs are also met. She helps her audience expand their cooking repertoire by introducing lesser-known, nutrient-packed ingredients and teaching new ways to use old favourites. Her practical approach satisfies each individual's unique needs and empowers them to make nourishing food part of their everyday life.

Visit to learn more.

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Secrets of Cake Making

Cakes' Secrets

We all know that cake needs to be dense, tender, and moist. Therefore, we try to be as careful as we can to have the appropriate ingredients. In fact, there are many different ingredients for different kind of cakes, but there are four main ones: eggs, flour, fat and sugar. Many people may use oil, milk or water for the cake to be tenderer.

To achieve the best results when preparing cakes, you have to use high quality ingredients especially for butter and flavoring extracts. It seems that many people ignore measurement while preparing cake. They just try to use the ingredients without giving much importance to measuring them. A careful measurement is really required along with following the exact recipe instructions.

There are many things to be considered before doing starting preparing your cake. Most important is to make sure that the ingredients you will use are kept in a suitable temperature, especially eggs and fat. Many important things seem to us to be trivial. However, they are so essential to have a good result. For example, if butter is too cold, it won't beat and incorporate air. As a result, the volume of your cake will not increase. Furthermore, dry ingredients must be sifted before mixing them. If you do not do so, small lumps that are not sifted will create big holes and tunnels in the middle of the cake, which is not appreciated by many housewives.

While mixing ingredients, it will not be mandatory to use a mixer, but it surely helps a lot. After beating, the eggs, you add the other ingredients and start mixing gently and quickly as well in order not to deflate the air that you have beaten into the mixture. Put the batter in a baking pan which is already greased and floured or greased and lined and put the pan in a preheated oven.

The heat's temperature degree must be as low as possible to have a well cooked cake, you can learn more with cake decorating books which will help you'll avoid scorched cakes. While baking, the cake will start rising and turn a dark brown in the outside. A secret that many people do not know about preparing cake is that the oven shouldn't be opened while the cake is in. Otherwise, the cake will get down again. Make sure not to open the cake until the cake is well cooked.

Finally, to test your cake for doneness, it will be sufficient to press with your fingertip on the top center of the cake. If it is well done, then the cake should slowly spring back. If it does not get back, you should put it back in the oven. Another way to test your decorating technique is to insert a knife in the middle. The knife should come out with nothing sticking to it.

When making a cake, especially for special occasions, its important to have the correct recipes and know how to bake it. For more Cake decorating Ideas visit here, it will take you through to homepage.

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Christmas Recipes: Cakes & Tarts - Chocolate & Orange Cake

Christmas recipe serves: 16

calories per serving: 495

preparation time: 25 minutes

cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes

Suitable for freezing after step 5

Christmas recipe ingredients:

oil for greasing
white chocolate, 125 g (4 oz)
milk chocolate, 125 g (4 oz)
plain chocolate, 375 g (13 oz)
softened butter, 175 g (6 oz)
caster sugar, 175 g (6 oz)
ground almonds, 175 g (6 oz)
eggs, 6 separated
breadcrumbs, fresh brown 75 g (3 oz)
cocoa powder, 45 ml (3 tbsp)
orange, grated rind & juice from 1
salt, pinch
double cream, 150 ml (5 fl oz)

Christmas recipe instructions:

Chop the milk and white chocolate into unequal pieces. Take an 8 inch (20.5 cm) diameter cake tin and grease and line.
Melt plain chocolate (225 g, 8 oz) over hot water and allow to coll for a bit.
Mix the sugar and butter until airy and add the orange rind, ornage juice, cocoa powder, breadcrumbs, egg yolks, ground almomds and the melted chocolate.
Make soft peaks with the salt and egg whites and blend a quarter into the mixture from step 3. Mix what is left with the chopped chocolate from step 1.
Place into the cake tin and bake at gas mark 4 (180 degrees centigrade, 350 F) for 1 hour 40 minutes. Allow to cool for about quarter of an hour before placing onto a wire rack.
Melt the remaining plain chocolate (150 g, 5 oz) with the cream over a bowl of hot water and allow to thicken slightly. Cover the cake with this mixture, cool and store.

Check out this great collection of christmas recipes [] and xmas meals.

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Homemade Cake Recipes - Cake Cooking Tips

A couple of years back, I had no experience in baking cakes or cooking at all! Since I was living with my parents - I had nothing to worry about. It all changed when I was accepted to the university. There were no parents to help me out!

In the first couple of months I started loosing weight pretty fast - that's because I was simply too lazy to cook something (I was studying IT, and we all know how lazy those "computer geeks" can be).

One "happy" day my girlfriend ask me to visit her at her parents house. They have this thing when one day in a year they invite some guests, and all of the guests have to bring something they made. I was told by my girlfriend that I should bring a cake, because no one had brought one before.

At first, I though I would buy something from the catering store nearby, but I changed my mind when I saw how expensive those cakes were. I thought to myself - it can't be that hard! So I started searching for homemade cake recipes. I found one pretty easy orange cake recipe and decided to give it a try.

I made the batter exactly as it was written in the recipe. Got it into the cake tin and put it into oven. However, since I've been working on one of my projects while it was baking, I totally forgot about the cake! After I remembered about it, I run to the kitchen and saw smokes all over the place. It was so embarrassing to throw it out with two girls watching how I failed with my cake (we shared the same kitchen in the dorm) so that I thought I would never make anything on my own again.

Thanks to my girlfriend, I didn't give up. I found another source of easy cake recipes and decided to make a chocolate cake. This time I didn't forget about it, and it turned out to be really tasty. My girlfriends parents really loved it!

Since then, I started baking cakes for my friends at least once a week. Right now, I feel like I have tons of experience, so I will share some tips to help you if you're a beginner.

To keep the filling in place, make sure to sprinkle layers with confectioners sugar
People don't like it when cake sticks to the serving platter - once again, you can use confectioners sugar to dust the platter.
To keep cake fresh longer, put a fresh apple cut in half in the box of the cake.
To prevent cake from crumbling while frosting - freeze the layers in the cake pans for about one hour.
Don't ever try to take the cake out of the pan if it's still hot!
You can use dental floss to cut the cake into even slices
If you're baking fruit cake - spray cake tin with vegetable oil

Hopefully my tips will help you! Good luck!

Alvydas is an IT student from Lithuania, who found his passion to cook cakes in a really strange way. You can read more of his cooking tips and recipes in:

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How to Make a Quick and Easy Ice Cream Cake

Ice Cream cake is a fun and delicious way to end a meal or to celebrate a special occasion. I find that the store bought version is boring, tasteless and quite expensive.

So for my daughter's birthday we came up with own unique customized ice cream cake. We used all of her favorite ice creams, cookies, gel decorations and candy to get exactly what she wanted. We also had a terrific time talking about the type of cake, the number of layers and which flavors would taste best together.

The first thing to do is to line a pan with a piece of wax paper or parchment paper and allow the paper to hang over the sides. Also, at this time, remember to take the ice cream out of the freezer so it can soften.

In a large bowl, beat 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream and 2 tablespoons of confectioner sugar until stiff peaks form. Spread a layer of whipped cream in the bottom of the pan and put the pan in the freezer for a few minutes. Place cookies in a bag and crush with a rolling pin and then spread a portion of the cookies on top of the whipped cream.

Add the softened ice cream and return to the freezer for a few minutes. Then repeat the steps with more whipped cream, cookies and then ice cream until you nearly fill the pan. Finish with whipped cream, sprinkle the top with chopped chocolate or candy bars. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze until firm.

When you are ready, remove the plastic wrap and while holding the paper overhang, pull the ice cream cake out of the pan and place on a serving plate. Discard the paper and complete your decorating by personalizing the cake with writing gel. Instead of using the typical greeting, think about being very creative by adding a message, brief poem or clever saying.

It only takes about 15 minutes to assemble the cake and about an hour or so to chill it completely. The cake will be the exact size and flavors that you love and will please everyone. This is just a basic concept for a unique cake. Feel free to improvise and create something special for your family and friends.

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Italian Cream Cake Recipe

If you love to cook Italian food and are looking for a delicious recipe for an Italian dessert, this Italian cream cake recipe is what you are looking for. It is truly one of the best ideas for a dessert after a delicious Italian meal.

Ingredients for Italian Cream cake recipe:

o 1 cup buttermilk
o 1/2 cup of butter
o 1 teaspoon of baking soda
o 1/2 cup of shortening
o 2 cups of white sugar
o 5 eggs
o 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
o 1 cup of flaked coconut
o 1 teaspoon of baking powder
o 2 cups of all purpose flour
o 8 ounces of cream cheese
o 1/2 cup of butter
o 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
o 4 cups of confection sugar
o 2 tablespoons of light cream
o 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts
o 1 cup of sweetened flaked coconut

Directions for Italian cream cake recipe:

o Preheat oven to 350 degrees
o Oil 3 nine inch round cake pans
o Dissolve the baking soda in the buttermilk In a small bowl and set aside
o Cream together the 1/2 cup of butter, shortening and white sugar in a large bowl until it is light and fluffy
o Mix in the buttermilk mix, eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 1 cup of coconut, baking powder and the flour and stir well
o Put the batter into the oiled pans
o Bake the cake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes
o Allow to cool
o To make the frosting, in a medium bowl combine the cream cheese, 1/2 cup of butter, confection sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla.
o Beat until light and fluffy
o Add some cream to obtain the right consistency
o Stir in the remaining flaked coconut and chopped nuts
o Spread the nuts and coconut between the layers and on sides and top of cooled cake

Here is another delicious choice for Italian cream cake recipe.


o 1 stick of margarine
o 2 cups of flour
o 2 cups of white sugar
o 1 cup of buttermilk
o 1 small can of flaked coconut
o 5 eggs whites
o 1/2 cup of shortening
o 5 egg yolks
o 1 teaspoon of baking soda
o 1 teaspoon of vanilla
o 1 cup of chopped pecans or walnuts
o 1 package of cream cheese, 8 ounces for frosting
o 1 box of confection sugar for frosting
o 1/2 stick of margarine for frosting
o 1 teaspoon of vanilla for frosting


o Cream the margarine and shortening
o Add in the sugar
o Add the egg yolks and beat well
o Combine the soda and flour
o Add to creamed mix with buttermilk
o Stir in vanilla
o Add coconut and nuts
o Fold in egg whites
o Pour into 3 oiled and floured cake pans and bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes
o For the frosting, beat the cream cheese
o Stir in the sugar
o Add the vanilla and beat until smooth
o Spread on the cake layers
o Sprinkle with chopped nuts

Enjoy these tasty recipes for making Italian desserts.

Katie Appleby is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about italian cream cake [], please visit My Holiday Foods [] for current articles and discussions.

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Cake Decorating - Children's Birthday Cakes

You will need only a few basic cake decorating tools to decorate cakes for birthdays and any special holidays. Elaborate tools are not necessary for making simple cakes. Cake decorating for children's birthday cakes will call for the following equipment:

-Rubber Spatulas which are made from a flexible material. You will use this for frosting bowls and scraping cake.

-Metal Spatulas that can come in two sizes, small and large, will be needed to smoothen and spread the cakes' frostings. Small spatula is used to apply thin layer of the cake's frosting. A layer of normal frosting will follow.

-Piping bags which are 18 inch, 12 inch and 8 inches and reusable, plastic disposable bags and Zip- locks can also be used in cake decorating

-Couplers or coupling nozzles will be needed in holding the bags into icing tips. It also enables you to change the tips whenever necessary.

-Food coloring paste, gel, or powder.

Important tips For cake decorating:

1. The ingredients that you will use must be at room temperature because they tend to blend better with that temperature.

2. An electric beater will be better than beating manually with a spatula as it will give lesser lumps in your cake.

3. Wire racks are needed for your cakes' inverting and cooling.

4. Trimming will make your cake sit flat. Make use of the side, which is smoother for decorating your cake.

5. Baking the cake a day before the decorating will lessen the crumbling. Remember also to set the cake in the freezer until the frosting part. However, if you decide to frost the cake you have to do it as soon as you put it out.

6. Cake boards are available at cake decorating shops or hobby shops, or you can also make one by covering cardboard in a colored foil.

7. Butter Cream is will make an excellent icing in cake decorating specially in birthday cakes for kids.

8. Unfrosted cake should have strips of waxed paper underneath. After the cake decorating, they are easily pulled out thus maintaining the neatness of your cake board.

The basic tools are a crucial part of successful cake decorating. Tips are suggested to aid you in your child's birthday cake. The labor will be hard but the result will be sweet. Numerous sites about cake decorating are available in the Internet to help you gather ideas. Some will already give you great cake decorating ideas from beginning to the end. Write all the tips that you think are useful and read from it when you encounter a problem in your cake decorating. If you cannot find a solution in your notes visit the web sites once again and look up for the answer. This will enable you to make beautifully decorated cakes in no time.

Want to learn the delightful secrets of beautiful cake decorating []? Come and join Shereen as she takes you through the pleasurable trip down to the cake shop. You will learn the proper ways to bring your birthday cake decorating [] into reality. Enjoy the praise from other people who admire your wonderful creations today.

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All About Decorating Cakes

You might think that making a cake on your own and decorating them beautifully according to your wish is something very difficult. But the fact is that, actually it is a very easy task to perform. You can surely do it all by yourself. The only thing needed is to follow certain instructions and you need to have a strong passion as well. These pastries are easily available in the market for purchase. So you have both the option of purchasing or you can make it yourself. If you are a beginner, it is wise for you to buy a simple cake that has a fine and soft surface. It is not at all advisable to go for complicated designs as because you might find it difficult to decorate.

It is a fact worth mentioning that if an individual is experienced in making these confectioneries before then you can always prepare the cake on his own. So it is fact that after the baking process has been completed you need to let the cake to cool down before you start the decoration process. There is a high chance of your cake being wasted if you start decorating the pastries when it is still warm. You must keep in mind that the icing will melt down if it is being applied on a warm cake.

Other things that you need to make sure are that there should not be any bumps on the surface of the cake. You should make the side of the cake even and trim it carefully. After taking so many things into consideration, now you can start the process of decorating the pastry. Icing on the pastry is applied in order to create a smooth surface and edges. These pastries also seem to be more appealing and beautiful when the icing is applied on the cake. Depending upon your preferences you can either choose a single colored icing or a dual colored icing.

The author holds a fascination for various types of pastry stands. He owns a store of his own.For related information visit the links glass pastry plate [] and plastic cake stands [].

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How to Decorate Cakes

Seeing those beautifully decorated cakes can be very fascinating and tempting at the same time. If you love cakes and you would like to create your own cake, you might think that it is quite intimidating but actually, it is not. You can create beautiful cakes as long as you know how to follow instructions and you have a strong passion.

Actually, you can choose to purchase it or create your own. If you are still a beginner, it is recommended to buy a simple shaped cake with a fine and soft surface. Do not choose cakes with complicated designs because you might find it difficult to decorate.

On the other hand, if you are already knowledgeable in baking then you can also just bake your own cake. Again, it is important to start with a simple cake so that it will not be too intimidating for you when you are decorating. Once you are done with baking, it is important that you let the cake cool down first before you start decorating. If you decorate the cake while it is still warm, you will end up wasting the cake. Keep in mind that icing will melt down if you apply it on warm cake.

Aside from letting the cake cool down, you should also make sure that the it is free from bumps. The sides of the cake should be even and should be carefully trimmed. When you have finished it, you can already start decorating the cake.

You can apply icing on the cake to create a smooth surface and edges. Icing will also make the cake more appealing and beautiful. You can choose a single colored icing or dual colored icing depending on your preference.

Once icing is applied to the cake, you can choose from among the several cake toppers. These toppers can be purchased at bake shops or specialty stores. If you would like the cake to be personalized, you can also place writings on it using the decorating bag with a writing tip. When you use the writing bag, it is important to move your entire arm and not just your wrist but lightly touch the cake.

Another common decoration would be edible flowers. Again, these edible flowers can be purchased from bake shops or specialty shops.

Decorating cakes would all depend on your art and creativity. If you want to add more decorations, you can do so by getting ideas from magazines and the internet.

Are you loving the idea of baking delicious cakes? Learn cake decorating with our new cake decorating book!

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Delicious and Nutritious Quinoa

Quinoa (pronounced "keen-wah") is a super food not to be missed by anyone interested in healthy eating. Quinoa has been around for over 5,000 years. It originated in South America, and the ancient Incas called quinoa "the mother grain" and considered it to be sacred and a gift from the gods.

Quinoa is considered an almost perfect food because it's high in protein, is gluten free, cholesterol free, and is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and important amino acids. Quinoa is so nutritious it even made the list of foods recommended for space missions. It looks like a small grain, but it's actually a seed. I think it looks a little like a very small baby kernel of popcorn.

We had never tried quinoa before we began to focus on healthy eating. Sometimes, the curves that life throws at you can actually be blessings in disguise. And that has been very true for us.

We were told we needed to improve our eating habits and reduce our cholesterol levels. We had never even heard of quinoa before the directive to improve our eating habits, but quinoa quickly became one of the foods that helped us in our quest to learn how to make healthier food choices.

As we began reading books about nutrition and heart health, as well as magazines related to healthy eating, we started to run across yummy sounding recipes that included quinoa as an ingredient. So we began to experiment with quinoa in some of our recipes, and we're delighted to have discovered this food. Quinoa has become one of the staples in our pantry.

Quinoa is not only really healthy for you; it also tastes good. We often use it instead of rice. Quinoa has a bit of a nutty flavor, and it complements whatever it gets mixed with. Following directions on the quinoa package, we rinse it in a strainer before cooking to easily remove any powdery residue left on the little seeds during packaging.

Quinoa only takes about 15 minutes to cook. Instead of always cooking quinoa in water, we sometimes use low sodium chicken broth or tomato sauce. We cook the quinoa long enough to see the small seeds pop open and they look like little stars. Our reward is an ingredient that is light and fluffy with a bit of crunchiness. The end result is an interesting combination of textures and flavor. We've added quinoa to casseroles, soups, stews, salads, and sauces. A great side benefit to quinoa is that it's filling.

Give quinoa a try. I think you'll like it.

Check out our recipe for Cod, Quinoa, and Vegetables @

Deb Hampton is one of the co-founders of Healthy-Eating-Healthy-Heart, a website that shares information to help people leaarn about making smart food choices.

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Green Tea - Why It's So Darn Good For You

If you want to be healthy and lose weight, you don't need expensive diets to lose the pounds, the Healthy Green Tea Diet can help you lose weight naturally. You don't need expensive diets to trim your waistline.

Sure there are hundreds of diets available out there. You just have to choose which fits you and your lifestyle. But how do you do that? Lower your fat intake, lower your carbs, count your calories throughout the day. They are all the same.

This is different from the other diets. This is not some fad. This diet has other health benefits aside from helping you succeed in losing weight.

From the name itself, you would probably think that all you really need is to drink a dozen cups of green tea alone. After a couple of days you'll be so sick of it you'll just end up discarding them just like the other diets you have tried before. You need to put some variations on your own green tea. You can also try drinking the capsule version and probably have the same effects. You just have to be more discerning before buying them as some may have side effects.

In any case, the green tea inhibits the creation of insulin that stops the dietary fat. It increases your metabolism similar to what caffeine does. The problem with that is our bodies have become immune to caffeine and a small dosage alone will not have any effect. A recommended intake for the green tea to have its effect is a minimum of 4-5 cups daily.

The healthy green tea and its natural caffeine content have an amazing effect in promoting weight loss. An added benefit also is that it has the most potent anti oxidant (which is believed to be more potent than Vitamins C and E) called the "EGCG". Researchers evaluated how, combined with caffeine, might affect weight loss and more importantly the ability to maintain the weight. According to studies those who took the EGCG/ caffeine during the period of the program continued to lose weight, lose their body fats and increase their metabolism.

The effect is due primarily to its anti-oxidant. What this means to you is that you will definitely lose weight and you can maintain your desired weight.

Thus with this diet, you will have more energy and you can definitely lose weight without exercising. It is of course recommended that you exercise if you want to see a rapid weight loss and better physique.

To discover some of major health benefits of the Healthy Green Tea Diet for weight loss, you can refer to the GREEN 4 TEA Diet.

Joanna Sebastian is a freelance blogger and a health enthusiast.

To find out more about the GREEN 4 TEA Diet, you can refer to:

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Quick and Easy Marzipan Apples, Oranges, and Pears

Traditionally made by nuns in Sicily to celebrate All Saint's Day or All Soul's Day, marzipan fruit makes a wonderful, tasty treat. Placed in a box as candy, these small fruits are purchased and given as gifts of celebration. Nuns in Sicily also tie dried marzipan fruit to trees as decoration.

In Germany, marzipan fruit is used to celebrate Christmas, placed in a box and given as a gift. A sign that St. Nick has visited, the presence of marzipan fruit in a home adds a warm, festive glow.

Marzipan is thought to have originated with Arabian cultures and conveyed to Europe during the spice trade period. Many think this is the case because of the Persian dessert called toot, which is a fruit-stuffed marzipan dessert.

Sometimes rose water or cardamom is added to this nutty candy to give it a new dimension of flavor. Others brush marzipan fruits with jelly then dust it with starch to give a fuzzy appearance and added flavor.

Another option is to put jam or jelly in the center of your marzipan candy during formation. The jam adds flavor and texture-allowing your fruit candy to taste a bit like the real thing.

To make marzipan fruit, you will need:

Food coloring
Waxed paper

For a marzipan apple, use yellow, green or red food coloring. You can also swirl together a mixture of two or more colors. Alternately, dip a yellow apple into red or green tinted sugar.

Roll the yellow, red or green dough into a cylinder, and using your fingertip press an indentation into the top. With green marzipan, create a small, long cylinder with pointed tips. This will form leaves. Use a toothpick to press the center of the green marzipan into the indentation on the top of the apple.

For a marzipan orange, use orange marzipan and roll into a ball. Using the same technique used with the apple, roll out a green cylinder of dough and pinch onto the top of the fruit with a toothpick.

For a marzipan pear, use yellow dough and form into the shape of a teardrop or pear. Next, press upward into the base of the fruit. Then, roll a cylinder of green dough to pinch onto the top of your creation.

Alternately, you can purchase candy molds shaped like fruit and press marzipan into the mold.

These techniques are easy to do with children, and can make a great holiday tradition, or weekend activity. Try filling the top of a fruit cake with miniature marzipan fruit. Or, create with your kids to give marzipan candy as a gift.

Sophie Graham is the owner of Cake Decorating with Kids. She has been a baking and cake decorating enthusiast since she was a kid herself. She is the writer and owner of:

Sophie's website focuses on gum paste and marzipan creations as a family fun cake decorating activity. She offers a FREE newsletter with a wonderful marzipan recipe, and many other valuable tips.

For additional information and visuals, click: marzipan fruit.

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Modern Wedding Cakes

A modern bride and groom certainly deserve a modern wedding cake. In my opinion, if the reception, dress, tuxes and decor will be sleek and stylish, the cake should match. The modern design, however, may seem elusive to those not in the know about desert styles, so let's take a look at what exactly a modern wedding cake is.

Deserts for the Modern Couple
Typically, cakes can be labeled modern if they deviate from the traditional. Whether the slight difference in design is the shape, the frosting or tier structure, modern wedding cakes often exude elegance and clean lines.

Traditionally, cakes at wedding receptions are usually round tiered structures with busy frosting designs. So to change up the traditional, one could create a square cake, cupcakes or a fondant base to create the modern cake.

Square Cakes

One popular trend in modern wedding cake designs is the square cake. This desert is undeniably modern by itself, but the square cake often also features a fondant base. Fondant is an edible material that can be draped over the base to create a smooth-as-glass base for the design.

Once the fondant is in place, decor can be added with frosting, additional fondant, flowers and edible spray paints. This material allows for a versatility in design that is not as easily created with frosting, and it retains a sleek profile for that modern, clean-lined appeal.

Cupcake Weddings

Cupcakes have come a long way from the individual cakes made for third grade birthday parties. Rather than a sad and tiny desert with disappointing bits of haphazardly applied frosting, modern wedding cupcakes can be the individual masterpieces of a large wedding cake, complete with modern design and flair.

Fondant and ganache are both great toppings for the modern cupcake, but bakers can also decorate the tiny deserts in beautiful traditional frosting swirls. Once the cupcakes are decorated, they can be displayed in a number of different ways, but a cupcake tier has become rather popular in weddings of today.

Whatever the bride and groom's final decision on the cake choice, they will surely be pleased with the many different modern wedding cake options to fit their reception needs. Square cakes, cupcakes and fondant are all great choices for the modern couple, and all of these modern cake ideas are sure to help the young couple enjoy their reception in a style that matches their modern lives.

Vitaly Indinko loves to write about wedding cakes, including topics such as the modern cake and the cheesecake.

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Greek Salad Recipe

If you are looking for something delectable but healthy and fitness-friendly, go for the Greek salad definitely! Greek salad is a delicious summer dish that originated in Greece. It is also called 'summer salad' in some countries but natives call it horiatiki salata, 'country salad,' or 'village salad,' which main ingredients include succulent tomatoes, cucumbers, green bell pepper or yellow bell pepper, cubed feta cheese, red onion, and Kalamata olives, with salt, dried oregano, and olive oil seasonings. Some though include vinegar, berries of capers, lemon juice, and parsley to add taste.

Greek salad is also a favorite in countries like Australia, North America, United Kingdom, and South Africa. In Germany, it is known as Bauernsalat; in Hungary, it is called görög saláta; in France it is called salade à la Grecque, and in Spain it is known as ensalada Griega. Each has its own Greek salad twist but no matter how you call it, Greek salad will always be prepared in the same way. You can enjoy it as your main meal with bread or as a side dish. Yummy!

How to Prepare;

To prepare the Greek salad, you will need the following:

Lemon juice - 1 1/2 tablespoons (optional)
Dried oregano - 1/2 tsp
Sea salt - 1/4 tsp sea salt
Extra virgin olive oil - 3 tablespoons
Clove garlic - 1 piece, minced
Black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon
Tomatoes cut into wedges
Onion rings
Cucumber cut into thick halves
Sweet yellow pepper, in chunks
Basil leaves (optional)
Green bell pepper, julienned
Feta cheese - about 120 grams, cubed
Kalamata olives

First, you mix the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper and oregano. Next, you mix all the vegetables in one bowl and add the dressing. Serve with black pepper to complete.

Health Benefits;

While some people love to add lettuce in their Greek salad recipe, fitness buffs omit it because it does not have that much nutritional value. Aside from the fact that it is a delicious addition to any protein-rich dish, the salad itself is a healthy dish.

For one, olive oil is has bacteria-fighting agent that helps ward off many kinds of diseases. It is also a popular antioxidant that aids in eliminating free radical and protecting the vitamin E content. This is the reason Greek salad is one of the healthiest Mediterranean diet that every health-conscious individual should whip.

In order to be able to prepare a salad of any kind, you need to possess strong kitchen knife skills.

Click on the link below to get your FREE, 17 part Basic Knife Skills and Vegetable Cuts video lessons and start building a strong culinary foundation.

Click Here Now [] to download your FREE, 17 part Basic Knife Skills and Vegetable Cuts videos!!

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Quick and Easy Delicious Recipes for Using Apples - Bread Pudding, Crisp, and Stuffing

The recipes in this article are all about that versatile, healthy fruit - apples. For desserts try the Caramel Apple Bread Pudding; doesn't the name just make your mouth water? Don't like bread pudding? Try the Easy Apple Walnut Crisp. And apples aren't just for dessert! This Quick and Easy Apple Stuffing is delicious and really dresses up a bag of stuffing mix.

10 slices cinnamon-raisin bread, cubed
1/4 cup butter, melted
3 medium Granny Smith apples, diced
1 cup caramel sauce

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, toss the bread with the melted butter. In a 9-inch square baking pan that has been sprayed lightly with nonstick cooking spray, layer half the apples, half the bread mixture, and half the caramel sauce. Repeat the layers. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes until the apples are tender and the bread is golden brown.

6 cups sliced apples
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Arrange the apples in a 9-inch square baking pan that has been sprayed with nonstick cooking spray.

In a bowl mix together the flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg; cut in the butter until mixture is crumbly. Stir in the chopped walnuts and sprinkle the mixture evenly over the apples.

Bake at 375 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes or until the apples are tender and the topping is crisp.

Yield: 9 servings

1 cup minced onion
1/2 cup minced celery
1/2 cup chopped apple
1 1/2 cups apple sauce
1 pkg (8-oz) stuffing mix
1 cup low-fat, low-salt chicken broth
1 1/2 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp ground sage
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Spray a medium nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium heat until hot. Add the onion and celery; cook while stirring for approximately 5 minutes. Add the apple and cook while stirring for another 3 minutes. Transfer mixture to a large bowl and stir in the remaining ingredients.

Spray an 8-inch square baking pan with nonstick cooking spray and place the stuffing mixture into the pan. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes or until heated through.

Yield: 8 servings


For more of Linda's quick and easy recipes visit her blog at
For her diabetic information and recipes visit her at

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What Are Food Allergies, Intolerances And Sensitivities?

Food allergies are due to IgE antibodies made for specific foods that an individual has for some reason developed because their body has misinterpreted the food(s) as a foreign invading protein. The presence of IgE antibody to the specific food a person is allergic to results in an immediate immune reaction of the body to the food when it is eaten. The IgE antibody binds its specific food protein and initiates reactions in the body that include the release of chemicals such as histamine that may result in symptoms of itching, swelling, wheezing or difficulty breathing, rash or hives, and if severe, shock resulting in death if not reversed. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur but are less common.

Testing for the presence of allergy to a food or foods can be done by blood test or skin testing or both. One of the most common blood tests is the RAST test that looks for the presence of the specific IgE antibodies to common food allergens and other foods based on a history suggesting that a particular food is suspect. Skin testing is done by injecting or applying extracts of the common and any suspect food(s) to pricked or scratched skin and looking for diagnostic "hive" like reactions at the site of the suspect food. The most common food allergens are peanut, cow's milk, wheat, corn, soy, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, chocolate, pork, tomato, and citrus.

The terms food intolerance and sensitivity are commonly used interchangeably. They refer to a group of food reactions that occur that are not IgE antibody caused. In more general terms they refer to any adverse or unpleasant reaction that occurs after a food is eaten.

Food reactions that are not allergic in cause may have a variety of causes. A particular food may not be tolerated because it is not digested adequately due to an enzyme deficiency. Lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar or lactose, is present on the surface of the intestine lining cells. Lactase deficiency can be inherited or acquired. It commonly occurs whenever the intestine lining is damaged. Because the lactase enzymes are on the outer most surface of the intestine they are more vulnerable to injury. For example, after intestinal flu or in untreated Celiac disease, lactose intolerance is common. Other sugar enzymes can be deficient or the intestine can be simply overwhelmed by too large a sugar load at one time. A classic example is "the Big Gulp" syndrome when someone drinks a giant cola beverage then experiences the "gut ache" from the tremendous amount of fructose. Large amounts cannot be handled by the intestine and that results in bloating, urgency and terrible diarrhea.

Deficiency of digestive enzymes released into the intestine can result in poor digestion of foods. For example, when the pancreas gland is damaged (pancreatitis) chronically, usually from chronic alcohol abuse, or is congenitally underdeveloped or malfunctioning (e.g. cystic fibrosis). The pancreatic enzyme deficiency that occurs results in malabsorption, especially for fats, that cause symptoms of diarrhea and weight loss. Abnormal bacteria types and levels in the gut, also known as dysbiosis, and abnormal excess levels of "bad" bacteria or presence of bacteria in upper small intestine where little or no bacteria normally occur (bacterial overgrowth) can interfere with digestion, absorption or cause fermentation of food resulting in symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Some foods and food additives have a direct toxic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Additives such as MSG and sulfites can cause symptoms, including flushing and diarrhea or the "Chinese restaurant" or "salad bar" syndromes.

All foods contain proteins known as lectins. Some of these proteins are highly resistant to digestion and are toxic to the human intestine especially if they are not pre-treated by soaking, cooking well, or removing toxic portions. For example, inadequately soaked and cooked kidney beans will cause a food poisoning like illness. There are several foods that have lectins that are poorly tolerated by many humans and are lethal to insects and pests. One researcher, Loren Cordain PhD., author of the Paleo Diet, has published extensive research on how the human intestine is not "evolved" to tolerate many of the foods we now eat but did not eat in the ancient "hunter-gatherer" times resulting in many of the illness seen in modern societies and the rising epidemic of autoimmune diseases. Several of the "modern" foods that were not part of the ancient diet but constitute much our diet now have well recognized toxic or poorly tolerated proteins known as lectins. Examples include wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), casein (cow's milk protein), peanut agglutinin (PNA), soyabean agglutinin (SBA) and tomato lectin (TL) that have been shown in animal studies to be toxic to the human gut. There are a few published studies and little active research on the role of dietary lectins in health and disease.

When the reaction is an immune toxicity reaction to a food protein intestinal damage commonly results, frequently referred to as "leaky gut" because of the symptoms of malabsorption or the entry of toxic food proteins and/or bacterial products into the blood stream resulting in a variety of adverse health effects. This reaction may result in autoimmunity, the body attacking itself within the gut or distant organs or tissues. The reaction may be aided by abnormal bacteria types and/or levels in the gut (dysbiosis). The symptoms commonly develop over time and flare in just hours to up to three days after eating the offending food and continue as the food is eaten.

Because the protein in the food is usually the cause and such proteins may be hidden in other foods, especially processed foods, and the toxicity is more of a delayed and cumulative immune reaction, it is very difficult for the person suffering from this to identify the specific food as the cause. For example gluten (the protein in wheat) and casein (the protein in cow's milk) are in many foods and toxic to many individuals. Over time people sensitive to such food proteins typically become more ill and may develop enough intestinal injury that blood tests for other types of antibodies, IgG and/or IgA, to the food or specific food proteins, may be detectable in the blood, stool or saliva.

Delayed immune response to proteins in the food (wheat, cow's milk) resulting in bowel injury, gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal symptoms and increased autoimmune conditions is most well recognized in Celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disease resulting from ingestion of gluten in wheat or products made from wheat flour (or gluten like proteins in barley and rye). It used to be considered a disease of children and rare, especially in the United States. However, blood test screening studies have documented that it is present in approximately 1 in 133 to 1 in100 people worldwide though most of those affected are undiagnosed and untreated. It is diagnosed by positive screening blood tests and confirmed by a characteristic abnormal small intestine on biopsy followed by relief of symptoms and return of the intestine to normal after a gluten-free diet. Untreated it is associated with higher rates of cancer especially lymphoma, osteoporosis, anemia, and other complications of malabsorption resulting in shortened life expectancy. It is treated with a life-long gluten free-diet. Lesser degrees of gluten intolerance or sensitivity may not be severe enough to cause abnormal or diagnostic blood tests and intestinal biopsies but result in symptoms that improve or resolve with a gluten-free diet and may be detected by elevated stool or saliva antibody tests.

Though injury to the intestine tissue may be seen visually as abnormal appearing tissue during endoscopic procedures such findings are non-specific for the cause. The tissue frequently appears normal and therefore many times is not sampled by biopsy, though under the microscope injury may be seen, though not specific for cause or food. If the physician is either not suspecting food intolerance or doesn't routinely biopsy normal appearing intestinal tissue looking for signs of food intolerance, the injury may not be discovered.

The immune based food intolerances are commonly associated with many symptoms that can be both gastrointestinal and outside the gut and may include bloating, gas, diarrhea (and sometimes constipation), abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pains, skin rashes, weight loss or gain, anemia or nutritional deficiencies, irritability, depression, mental fogginess, and nerve pain (neuropathy). These symptoms may be misdiagnosed or mislabeled as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, reflux, ulcer, and fibromyalgia, etc. without another thought by patient or physician that food intolerance may be the cause and specific food elimination may be the cure. The common food allergens also are the most common causes of food intolerance reactions.

Generally, most physician are aware of common food allergy symptoms and how and when to test. However, several studies have confirmed most people's experience that the majority of primary care physicians are unaware of the common symptoms of Celiac disease, that blood tests exist for screening antibodies and the high risk genes, and that it is common and may be diagnosed in adults. This is why the diagnosis is delayed on average over 11 years in most adults, after many of them have irreversible complications such as osteoporosis, cancer, or another autoimmune disease. The awareness and acceptance of non-Celiac gluten sensitivity and other food protein intolerances in the medical community is even worse.

Therefore, food intolerance or sensitivity is commonly missed and untreated. Many patients are forced to self-diagnose by discovery of the link of their symptoms to specific foods serendipitously, often as a result of an elimination diet, recommendation of an alternative practitioner or friend/relative, or search for help on the internet or multiple physicians for help. Hopefully, by reading this article you now better understand food allergies and intolerances, why they are often missed and that they are a common cause of many symptoms, not just intestinal, that usually improve if not resolve once the offending food or foods are eliminated from your diet.

Dr. Scot Lewey is a physician who is specialty trained and board certified in the field of gastroenterology (diseases of the digestive system) who practices his specialty in Colorado. He is the physician advisor to the local Celiac Sprue support group and is a published author and researcher who is developing a web based educational program for people suffering from food intolerances,

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Useful Tips for Vegan Cooking Substitutes

Everyone wishes to eat perfect and have a nutritious diet that is healthy for the mind as well as for the body. When one shifts to a vegan diet, it means ceasing the eating of meat or any other animal-derived products. This also includes eggs as well as cheese. While the eating habits require some time to adjust, cooking vegan is a tricky part, and one needs to learn relatively new ways of cooking using ingredients that are not in any way derived from animals.
One of the important things after adopting a vegan diet is transforming your favorite recipes into vegan ones so you can enjoy them even after becoming a vegan. There are some tips that can be helpful for the people who are new at cooking vegan food.
  • If you are Cooking Vegan and making something that requires milk, you can use one of the many milk alternatives available in the market. You can try out different vegan milk brands and then settle for the one you think tastes best.
  • If your new Vegan Cooking involves the use of butter in a recipe, there is also a substitute for that. You can make use of extra virgin olive oil or alternatively use vegetable oil to fill in for the butter. In case your recipe involves baking and use of butter, you should try coconut oil.
  • Vegan Cooking also means substituting eggs in recipes. In egg recipes, wherever you want it to be eggless, you can use tofu.
  • In your vegan food recipes, incorporate as much of the vegan food elements as you can so that you can get used to the fabulous taste of those foods. These majorly include nuts, vegetables, whole grain foods and fruits.
  • You should avoid the use of processed foods in your recipes while cooking vegan. This will give you the true taste of vegan diet.
  • You should make soy milk and water the main ingredients of your vegan diet when cooking. These elements boost the effectiveness of the vegan diet.
  • Make yourself used to using fresh ingredients in your vegan cooking. This involves fresh fruits and vegetables and also fresh spices.
For the first few days, it might be difficult to adjust with the taste of vegan recipes and cooking Vegan food can be a little hard. However, as the time progress, you will definitely get used to it and also begin to enjoy your new vegan diet.
Would you like to have detailed book on cooking vegan? Find out how you could benefit from vegan cooking.

The Best Vegetable Juice Recipes

If you're wondering how on earth you're ever going to eat your "Minimum Daily Requirement" of fruits and vegetables each day, here's a quick and easy solution. Juicing!
The "MDR" varies according to your age, but to simplify it's about 2-3 cups each of fruits and vegetables for adult men and a half cup less of each for women. But remember that the "M" in MDR stands for the minimum amount needed to maintain a healthy body as determined by the US Department of Agriculture nutritional research, not the optimum amount that makes you feel your best!
Whether your goal is minimum or optimum, juicing is the fastest way to ingest and absorb all the nutrients in fruits and vegetables. One pound of produce makes just one cup of fresh juice, so a glass or two a day will do it! And because juicing separates the juice from the fiber, your body absorbs more nutrients faster than if you had eaten the fruit or vegetable whole. And keep in mind that store-bought juice must be pasteurized. This process destroys many good nutrients such as enzymes. And commercially made juice is not fresh or chemical-free.
Juicing is also the best way to ingest green vegetables. These are considered "superfoods" because they are packed with minerals, protein, and alkalizing nutrients, but they are not very tasty. You can simply eliminate their bitter taste by juicing them with other more flavorful foods such as carrots, apples, berries, and bananas.
You can use your creative juices and experiment with fruit and vegetable combinations that suit your taste. If you're worried about wasting time and expensive produce on combos that might taste terrible, just pick up a juicing recipe book to guide you. It will also provide combinations that prevent and even fight a wide variety of illnesses.
Here are my absolute favorite vegetable juice recipes - one for the sweet tooth and one that's spicy:
Sweet Veggie Juice
6 carrots - only peel half the surface!
2 stalks celery - with the greens!
2 sprigs mint or 1"ginger
Spicy Veggie Juice
2 tomatoes - skin and all!
1 carrot
1 stalk celery
½ beet
1 leaf spinach
½ handful fresh parsley
4 sprigs watercress
sea salt and pepper to taste
Worcestershire sauce to taste
Horseradish to taste
Remember to wash your produce to reduce pesticides. Better yet use your own garden grown or farmers' market organic produce to eliminate chemicals altogether. Even large grocery stores now have organic lines of fruits and vegetables - they cost a bit more, but your health is well worth it!
Most juicing appliances are made to be durable so you can juice stems and seeds without harming the appliance. Pits and large seeds should be removed as well as hard husks and skins. Most juicers will clog if you throw in a banana or avocado, so place these in a blender and then combine it with your juiced produce. If you don't want to buy a juicer, you can use a blender but you have to strain the juice or it tastes sandy!
Some people juice entire citrus fruits, rind and all, such as lemons, limes, oranges, and even grapefruit! I'm not one of them. I discard the peel, but I do juice that white pith which is packed with nutrients. Melons also can be juiced in their entire, just beware that the skin adds bitterness to the flavor.
And one more quick tip, don't bother to store your juice by refrigerating or freezing - most of the nutrients value is lost after 24 hours. Some foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, and melon, start losing their nutrients right after you juice them. So it's best to drink your fresh juice right away. If you must store something, freeze the produce, not the juice.
Absolutely nothing is more thirst quenching and good for you - and your children! - than a quick glass of home-made juice. And with juicing, there's no cooking and no pans to clean. So start juicing today!

Jan Gilbert is dedicated to promoting the amazing benefits of freshly juiced, organic fruits and vegetables. Click here for more juicing tips, recipes, and recipe books.
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What Is Greek Yogurt - How to Make Greek Yogurt At Home

We know that there are several types of yogurts which come in different tastes and flavors. But what is Greek Yogurt and how does it differ from regular yogurt? Well, Greek Yogurt is made by straining plain yogurt in a muslin cloth or paper filter to remove the whey from the yogurt. This type of yogurt therefore has a thicker consistency between that of regular yogurt and cheese, although it retains the distinct sour taste of plain yogurt.
The milk from which the yogurt is prepared is normally boiled thoroughly to extract some of the water. The milk is also made thicker by adding thickening agents if required. This yogurt normally has a higher content of live and active culture present in it than regular yogurt.
How to Make Greek Yogurt At Home
You can prepare Greek Yogurt at home with the normal ingredients you already have in your kitchen.
1. Take two cups of low-fat, plain yogurt.
2. Strain the yogurt using cheese cloth or paper towels for about two to three hours.
3. After straining, add vanilla and sweetener to the mix. Use maple syrup or honey as sweetener.
4. Store in a refrigerator. It stays fresh for several days.
5. Serve the yogurt as topping for fresh fruit. Add cocoa or cinnamon for flavor.
Starting with two cups of yogurt, you can have about 8 servings. This is a much healthier alternative as a tasty topping when compared to whipped cream. If you want a swirly topping, add chocolate or strawberry sauce and mix it a little.
If you wish to have a good energy breakfast, granola and Greek Yogurt are a great combination. If you want a tasty dipping sauce for citrus fruits, strawberries or your chocolate cookies, you can again use homemade yogurt. Another great morning or evening meal is yogurt mixed with three pairs of walnut halves and one tablespoon of natural honey.
For people on a weight loss regimen, Greek Yogurt is a great choice. It comes packed with proteins and keeps you feeling full, helping you cut down on the quantity of food intake. It also has a lower fat content, which again helps greatly in cutting down weight.
Making Greek Yogurt a regular part of your diet can make you stay healthy and lose excess weight. It also provides you with a long list of tasty dishes to add to your repertoire.

What is Greek Yogurt? Visit to find out more.
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Tropical Fruits of Yucatan - Discover Exotic New Flavours for the Adventurous Foodie

Before I moved to live in Yucatan, Mexico, I fantasized about the tropical breakfasts I had eaten when on holiday there. For hotel breakfasts we were usually served very fresh and tasty melon, papaya and watermelon. Little did I know what a fabulous selection of exotic looking and tasting fruits were available for the more adventurous foodie! This article will explore some of the delicious fruits little known outside the Yucatan.

The most exotic of them all is the pitahaya - or dragon fruit. Pitahaya is the mayan name for this extraordinary cactus fruit. When the flowers open, always at night, they give out a glorious perfume, and by morning have faded away. These beautiful flowers morph themselves into the pitahaya fruit, whose smooth skin has the most fabulous fuchsia colour and little green wings. Cut it open, and you will find greyish-white juicy flesh with lots of tiny edible pips, rather like those of the kiwi fruit. With a subtle sweet and slightly nutty flavour, the pitahaya can be served sliced up just on its own with a squeeze of lemon, or liquidized to make a refreshing fruit drink.

I was introduced to the saramuyo a few years ago, and was not impressed by the fact that it was filled with large seeds, and to eat it you had to suck each seed to get just a little flesh. However, I recently decided to give it another chance, but to do it my way, in the way an Inglateca (English/Yucatecan) would do it. A member of the anona family, it is known elsewhere as sugar apple, or sweetsop, and has soft, green, scaly skin, typical of anonas. I scooped out the seed-filled flesh into a sieve suspended over a mixing bowl, and with a wooden spoon stirred it around and around. A thick purée emerged which tasted exquisite. Forget about sucking each seed. When you have a real mouthful or three of a subtle, light, vanilla custard-flavoured purée, you think you must have died and gone to heaven.

When my Goan friend came to stay, she came back from the market beside herself with joy, and a large bag of sapotes. She cried out 'chikus, chikus, I found some chikus'. She has lived in London for many years, and was missing the fruit from her childhood in India. Said to be of Yucatecan origin, the sapote has many names outside Mexico, including chiku in India. Nearly round in shape, it has brown skin, and a dark brownish-green shade of sweet flesh that is soft and juicy and tastes similar to a pear.

A member of the sapote family, the mamey is a large oval-shaped fruit looking like a rugby ball. It has rough brown skin with orange/reddish coloured flesh. The 'meaty' flesh is best eaten sliced, with a squeeze of lemon. The flavour is somewhere between pumpkin, sweet potato, apricot, raspberry and mango, and can be seasoned with cinnamon and ginger.

All of these exotic fruits may be eaten on their own, mixed in a salad, or combined with a little water and made into refreshing fruit drinks. They can also be made into delicious fruit sorbets, each one producing its subtle individual flavour and colour. Sweet enough on their own, it is never necessary to add sugar.

If you are planning to visit the Yucatan, Mexico, don't miss out on a chance to visit a local market, and see if you can find some of these exquisite and exotic fruits. I always eat local foods wherever I travel, as they are part of the cultural experience of that country. The experience of eating local tropical fruit will give you an unforgettable taste of Yucatan.

Elizabeth Arnott is English, and has lived for more than ten years in Merida, Yucatan. She is very happy to be integrated into the Mexican way of life, and loves to share her experiences and insights into her adopted country.

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Great American Breakfasts

Americans don't have a reputation for being big eaters for nothing. That said, their reputation for being an obese nation is very unfair. They do love their food though, especially the meal that is breakfast.

In America you can get such a diverse range of breakfasts that you are left spoilt for choice. From cereals to cooked breakfasts to the likes of Pop Tarts and pancakes, there really is something for everyone.

Here we'll have a look at some of the most popular and tastiest breakfast meals the US has to offer.

Let's start with Pop Tarts. If you don't already know, Pop Tarts are toaster pastries in a wide range of flavours. All you do is pop them in the toaster for a couple of minutes and you have a hot, sweet, tasty breakfast.

Pop Tarts in America come in 30 - yes 30! Different flavours, both frosted and unfrosted. These include, as you might expect, apple, blueberry and strawberry and some you might not expect like chocolate chip cookie dough and cookies and crème!

If that doesn't sound like your sort of thing, consider pancakes instead. There are a variety of pancake mixes available that make preparing your breakfast quicker and easier and it then becomes a matter of toppings. You could use fruit like strawberries and blueberries, maple syrup is a very popular addition, as is crispy bacon and castor sugar.

If you're more of a toast person in the morning, then jam is a good choice, or jelly as the Americans refer to it. Smuckers is a very popular brand and comes in a variety of flavours including blueberry and grape. For a real American flavour Smuckers Goober Grape and Goober Strawberry are normal jellies but with peanut butter added into the mix, providing a real boost to energy levels in the morning!

Various cereals are another great option. Most people will have heard of Lucky Charms, it being the most popular cereal in the States but branch out a little and try Kellogg's Froot Loops, Cocoa Pebbles, Reeses Puffs or Trix Fruitalicious. There are many, many more.

Of course, Americans are as partial to a cooked breakfast as the British are. Only in America they do it slightly differently. Yes, bacon and eggs is a common one, but some like to have steak and eggs for breakfast, often with grits, hash browns, home fries or fried potatoes.

Grits are most popular in the south of the country, as is fried chicken and 'biscuits' with white gravy!

In the winter months, just like in the UK, oatmeal becomes very popular and the Americans have put their own spin on that too. You can get normal oatmeal and flavour anyway you like, of course, but to save time there is also peaches and cream, maple and brown sugar and a host of other flavoured instant oatmeal treats to try out.

Whatever your breakfast tastes, America has something to offer you. For the author, pancakes with bacon, maple syrup and a little castor sugar is a personal favourite, though in if in a rush Pop Tarts are a secondary choice.

The trick is - experiment, see what fits in with your schedule and personal tastes. There WILL be something for you!

Ian Grainger is writing on behalf of American Soda ( ), suppliers of various American breakfast options to the UK, including Pop Tarts, Smuckers and Kellogg's Froot Loops.

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How to Make Breakfast in Bed For Mother's Day

There just seems to be nothing more luxurious than eating breakfast in bed, and since mother is typically the one who prepares breakfast for the entire family, treating her to a special breakfast in bed for Mother's Day is an added pleasure. When you are ready to make your Mother feel like a queen, here are some simple instructions that will help you do it right. Planning is Important.

Anyone can just throw together something that is already in the refrigerator, but remember this breakfast is for your mother and she deserves a little extra effort. A few days in advance write out your menu and then pick up the ingredients that will be needed from your local grocers. Be sure to add a rose or two or her favorite flower to your list and take the time to make it look great in a small vase or finger bowl that is not top heavy.

Moms have favorite breakfast foods too, so be sure you know what hers are, but also remember that most women like a variety of different foods as well, so make your selections wisely when you are preparing your special meal.

Since breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, you will want to make sure your Mom has everything she needs to get her day started off right. That might be with pancakes or waffles drizzled in butter and syrup with a small bowl full of strawberries or blueberries to top it off with. Then again, it might be just as appreciated if you decide to prepare scones or biscuits for a taste tempting treat.

Just be sure that when you do make breakfast in bed for Mother's Day that you have a proper tray to serve it on. You would not want anything tumbling off the tray and making a mess that Mom would feel obligated to clean up. By the same token you might want to avoid anything that is drippy or extra crumbly which could lead to an uncomfortable condition for Mom while she is in bed or could stain the bedding.

Fruits are always good additions to any meal served in bed, but be sure they are peeled and cut up in bite sized portions for ease in eating.

Muffins are perfect staples for the breakfast meal and are easy to eat, but some people prefer having something a bit heartier as well. Scrambled or poached eggs are easy to make and always appreciated, especially when something sweet is added like a favorite jam or jelly to spread on toast of a good biscuit or scone or that blueberry muffin you selected.

Mothers are really not that hard to please; they appreciate any little bit of attention they can get to make them feel special. However, it is always a good idea to go the extra mile to make this special person feel like a queen with her own special and luxurious Mother's Day breakfast in bed.

Rick Mongiovi shares his recipe for blueberry muffin recipe and more breakfast recipes for muffins, biscuits, egg dishes, egg casseroles, and more on his site at

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How to Dehydrate French Fried Potatoes

I was not necessarily interested in French Fried Potatoes for the sake of French Fries alone but rather as a dehydrated potatoes that could be easily reconstituted as necessary, however since we did created the French style potatoes I might as well consider using it as such.

My original goal was to dehydrate potatoes for later use in the event of hard times ahead. These dehydrated "Spuds" could be used for a variety of uses ranging from mashed potatoes to fried or even Au Gratin Potatoes casserole. Dehydrating your potatoes in times of plenty can result in an economical method of stretching your food dollar while still providing variety in your diet.

It is possible to dry potatoes with the benefit of a dehydrator however the process takes considerable effort and generally does not come out as well. Still if that is your only recourse by all means take advantage of it.

If you are using a dehydrator than your supply list is relatively small. All that you will need is the dehydrator itself, a large pot filled with water, a mixing bowl loaded with ice and some sort of colander.

In the large pot fill with water and bring it to a rapid boil. Place your peeled potatoes into the water either directly or in a French fry basket. Blanch the potatoes for approximately eight minutes. In your sink set up your large mixing bowl with ice and water in it. After the 8 minutes has elapsed remove the potatoes from the boiling water and place them in the ice water for about 15 minutes. This stops the cooking process immediately. Place the cooled potatoes into a colander and allow draining the excess water for a few minutes.

Up to this point the procedures are the same whether you are using a dehydrator or the oven. If using the dehydrator place the potatoes carefully on the trays and put them into your machine. On the other hand if you are using your oven to dry them out first spray some cookie sheets with a spray cooking oil such as Pam and place the potatoes on it.

Set your dehydrator temperature to 135 degrees and then take a break. For your oven set it at the lowest possible temperature, and let them cook for about one hour. Make sure that the oven door is left open slightly to allow proper air circulation. After every 30 minutes turn the potatoes over as they dry in the oven. After three hours you can check to see if your dehydrated potatoes are finished. The final signs that your dehydrated potatoes are completed are that they become brittle and have a slight translucent appearance to them. Allow your potatoes to cool and place them in a jar or vacuum sealed bag. If you are using a dehydrator your potatoes should be completed in about 2 to 12 hours according to the machine being used.

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Living Gluten Free

Most Americans hear the word Italy and immediately think of pizza and pasta. While these foods are enjoyed in Italy, there are many other starches traditionally consumed in Italian cooking. Many of these foods are acceptable ideas for living gluten free, either as is or with minimal adaptations.

Polenta, cooked cornmeal, was brought back from the New World in the late fifteenth century. It was economical, tasty and simple to prepare, so became popular very quickly. In northern Italy, the cornmeal is poured into pans and left to chill, then sliced and served as a bread substitute alongside other foods. Central Italy serves polenta while still soft. It is spread on a platter, topped with meaty sauces and served family style. Polenta can also be fried, grilled or baked in layered casserole dishes. There are areas of Italy that use wheat in their polenta, but an unflavored corn polenta is generally safe. Polenta is an ingredient that offers a wide variety of ideas for living gluten free.

Several types of rice are eaten in Italy, though generally they eat less rice than they do pasta or bread. Rice has many different ways to prepare it, giving you many ideas for living gluten free. The most famous use of rice in Italy is a creamy dish called risotto. Arborio and Carnaroli are two varieties of rice that have been developed specifically for their use in this dish. When properly prepared, risotto is still firm, but releases enough starch to create a thick sauce. Rice is also used to make arancini and suppli al telefono, two different kinds of stuffed balls of rice that are fried for eating out of hand. Rice is gluten free, of course, but make sure that you check that the rice balls aren't rolled in breadcrumbs before frying. Cold rice is even sweetened with honey and tossed with pine nuts, raisins and ginger and eaten for dessert.

Potatoes are another New World food that became very popular in Italian cooking. The most well known use of these in Italian food is the dumpling known as gnocchi. Traditionally, these are made from a number of different ingredients, so it is important to find out what is in them before you eat these. Potato gnocchi often have a small amount of flour in them, but there are many recipes for gluten free gnocchi on the Internet. Potatoes are also enjoyed roasted with olive oil and rosemary or added to pizza in place of cheese!

Desserts in Italian cooking are also gluten free more often than you would expect. Beaten egg whites and ground nuts are the bases of many traditional baked goods. Ricciarelli are an almond paste cookie that is almost always gluten free. Spongy chocolate or orange cakes are baked with polenta flour. Italian cheesecake is also very popular and can easily be baked with a nut crust to eliminate the gluten. Gelato, a dense sweet Italian ice cream, is also generally gluten free, though checking is important if there are things blended into the cream base.

Italian cooking may seem to be heavily reliant on gluten, but with a little bit of research, some of the alternate staple foods can give you a host of ideas for living gluten free.

Melinda Knight - Wife & mother of a family allergic to gluten, and former Catering Director at three of the largest hotels on the Las Vegas strip, where she planned menus and parties for thousands including the occasional 3,000 person wedding. She now plans meals for her gluten free family and shares her recipes and ideas for living a gluten free life at her blog.

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Water Quality Is Key To Great Tasting Coffee

It does not matter if you use the best coffee in the world or the cleanest, newest equipment, if the water quality is poor then the drink will not live up to expectations.

Water quality is the most crucial element in producing a well rounded and tasty coffee that looks as good as it tastes. A cup of black coffee is 99% water, so water quality is vital to ensure a superb tasting beverage.

Mains water may contain impurities and additives. These can give water an unpleasant taste and odor even if it is still technically still safe to drink. Not only is the taste and smell of the coffee affected, but the presentation too. Drinks made with low quality water can appear flat and lifeless.

Water quality also varies greatly from the mains supply, so serving a consistent product can be difficult without a proper solution.

In catering establishments drink quality should be a top priority. Today customers are very particular and demanding and will not return to places serving low quality beverages. Competition is very keen with new coffee shops springing up everywhere. It is important to keep customers coming back for more, so there is a need to serve good quality and consistent drinks every time.

Fitting a cartridge water filter to an espresso machine will take care of the problem and make sure that tasty hot beverages are always served. A water filter will remove the impurities from the water supply that can affect the taste and look of the drink. This will mean great looking, great tasting and consistent beverages all day long.

Most water filters, especially those for commercial beverage equipment, also remove many of the sodium and magnesium ions that cause scale build up in the equipment. This means the coffee machine will function better, need less servicing and generally be more efficient. Scale build up can be a real problem in many areas, and untreated water can quickly cause problems. Scale will cause extensive problem to the working of the equipment.

The benefits of a water filter are therefore two-fold. Great tasting drinks and healthy reliable equipment. Make sure you have one fitted to your espresso machine or vending equipment.

Water filters are relatively inexpensive to buy and easy to fit. Quality filters will always pay for themselves in the long run. Make sure the filter is exchanged every 6 months or after a certain amount of water has passed through it. Your local supplier of espresso equipment should be able to recommend and supply suitable filters.

Water filters to fit all types of coffee and vending machines can be found at our website.

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Dry Roasted Edamame Beans and What Benefits They Offer You

The nutritional value of dry roasted edamame beans are one of the best low calorie and low fat snacks that are out there for you to safely consume when trying to become a bit more health conscience. There are many other foods out there that claim to help you loose weight, but the truth is; there is no miracle diet. The food you eat is a choice you make and it is up to you to make the healthy choice for your body.

Dry roasted edamame beans have many nutritional benefits to them. They are very low in cholesterol; they are also very low in fat. In fact they are similar to nuts, but they are a great substitute if you need something that has a lot less fat in them. They naturally have no trans fat and no sodium, although sprinkling a bit of salt on top of dried beans and cooked beans are favorites among many people.

These beans are also high in fiber and low in sugars ranging in 1g per serving which is about ¼ a cup or a small handful. There are a variety of ways that you can prepare them. Dry roasted edamame beans are popular to grab when you are on the go. They are a simple snack that fills you up and keeps you energized until your next meal.

You can also prepare meals with these beans. You can toss them in a salad or add them to a tasty stir-fry dish. They also made a great choice to use as a garnish or to add to a trail mix combination. And when used in a trail mix combination they tend to make the rest of the nuts last much longer. A more unique way to use dry roasted edamame beans is to grind them into a powder and use them as a seasoning in salad dressing, or even in a stir-fry. They add a fantastic flavoring that is delicious and quite unique. Some people even enjoy them in soups and you can even use them in hummus too.

Many people think of edamame as a nut, but in fact it is a vegetable. The nutritional value is like most other beans, high in fiber, calcium, protein, and iron. Like all other beans, when you combine it with whole grains such as brown rice or quinoa you get the full amount of amino acids the humans need to survive on.

Dry roasted edamame beans have the most protein out of every other legume and bean. They have approximately 68 grams of protein per cup. Other than dry roasted edamame, there are many other types of ways it can be prepared. In most Japanese restaurants they are served cooked as an appetizer with a small amount of salt sprinkled on top. You can buy them frozen at the store as well and create the same great dish at home. It's only takes about 5 minutes to cook them and then they are ready to serve. Another great idea is to puree them and put them in a dip mix. It tastes great with mint, lemon, and cheese.

Even though there are many different ways to prepare edamame the most flexible is right out of the bag. For those who have long days, it is a healthy and tasty snack to help get you to the next meal. Dry roasted edamame beans are just so tasty and affordable that you might just want to buy more than one bag because they will be gone before you know it.

Jason Bean is an expert on Dry Roasted Edamame Beans

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Chicken Sausages: Better Specialty Meat Options for the Family

Chicken Sausage products offer a flavor-rich alternative to the higher calorie pork sausage varieties. Chicken sausages, in particular, have been mentioned in high profile magazines like the New York Times for being a healthy Italian food alternative. Chicken has become a more mainstream option for individuals who love sausage, but want a product with a lower fat content. Chicken sausages have as much as seventy-five percent less fat than regular brands.

The question is - how could something with so little fat still taste as good? It largely has to do with chicken being substituted for pork and the combination of seasonings used. Most products offered by this supplier have ten grams or less in carbohydrates. These products work well for low carb or low fat dietary plans, and as an extra bonus do not contain any preservatives, artificial ingredients, or nitrates. Those who have children, are sensitive to gluten, or follow low fat diets are all better served with this product.

Many products contain fillers, such as breadcrumbs, that could be difficult for a person with gluten problems to digest. However, these meats provide a healthy alternative for the entire family and are a safe option for even more restricted diets.

Chicken Sausages: An Easy to Prepare Pork Substitute

Chicken sausages come in several different varieties, making them an option for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Every package comes with an interesting recipe to try and appropriate serving suggestions. Apple Maple and Country Style flavors are examples of breakfast appropriate sausages. Choose a more dinner-oriented variety when you feel like creating a great Italian dish for the family.

Both fresh and fully cooked products are available to meet time availability. Try including a fresh variety with rice pilaf, on pizza, or in pasta. With so many choices, it is not difficult to find a flavor everyone will enjoy. Products have been reviewed as well balanced in flavor, containing scrumptious juices, and for providing a pleasing texture.

Chicken sausages are appealing to health conscious consumers because they are leaner than pork-based products. They offer fewer calories, in addition to a reduced amount of fat. Substitute them in a favorite Italian dish, in a sandwich, or even when making a stir-fry.

To begin cooking this tantalizing food, bring water in a pot to a boil. The sausage should be boiled on medium heat for a minimum of thirty minutes. This is commonly called poaching and is recommended when cooking any form of fresh sausage. Put a teaspoon of oil, preferably olive oil, into a non-stick pan preset at medium heat. Add an additional teaspoon for every two links added to the skillet. An onion may be included to create a caramelized base, but it needs to be cut and put in during the beginning of cooking. Remove from heat after a black mark can be seen on each side.

If pan frying turns out to be not as appealing, chicken sausages can also be grilled. Regardless of the cooking style, these products are a healthy choice consumers can use to enjoy the great taste of Italian sausage without the high fat content and calories commonly associated with this food.

Chicken sausage is considered to be one of the healthiest Italian meat products available. This type of sausage offers lower fat, carbohydrate, and calorie counts than pork.

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